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At home or in the photo studio? How to choose the location of your baby photoshoot
One of the most common questions I receive from clients during the booking process is whether they should opt for a baby photoshoot at...
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Evelyne Mertens
3x Redenen om een professionele fotoshoot te boeken
Je ziet mooie plaatjes passeren van huppelende ouders en hun kroost in een tarweveld of spelend in een bos. Spontaan zeg je “ooooh” bij...
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Sanne & Anthony, the proud parents of Marilou were looking for a relaxed baby photo session at their home to capture their first days...
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The Baby studio bible: Booking your photoshoot in 8 steps
I have been working hard during the last months to build the best experience from the moment you send me your first email up until...
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6 tips for a successful photoshoot with your toddler
Sessions with toddlers are undoubtedly the most dynamic, energetic sessions there is! Our job (as photographer and parents) is to keep...
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Tips to help you prepare for your in-home Newborn Photography Session
So your little munchkin is finally here, all cuddly and cute and you are adapting to this new little human being in your lives! You got...
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Urban Session - Exploring Antwerp
Before I started The Baby Studio officially I reached out to the Girl Expat community in Antwerp, which is, btw, a very supportive cool...
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What To Wear For A Lifestyle Photoshoot
What looks good on camera and the big outfit no-nos You finally found a photographer you trust and feel comfortable with, you booked your...
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Spring Mini Sessions 2019 - the throwback
During the weekend of the 27th en 28th of April newborns, babies, kids and mamas-to-be joined me in the Greenhouse of the Den Botaniek in...
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Charlotte & Juliette - A look into a Baby shoot with an older sibling
Charlotte. A little lady with intense blue eyes and an untamable hair. Juliette. The big sis, with infinite love for her newborn sister...
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